The committee is expect to provide guidance as the project proceeds. At the moment, observing strategies are still being discussed; this is where the committee’s guidance would be of great value. They will probably be a combination of deep pointing (mainly for absorption line studies), medium exposure of selected regions, and perhaps even an all-sky survey (at the later stage of the mission, which would have 2 eV energy resolution; for comparison, the eROSITA CCDs have an energy resolution of 60 - 70 eV at soft X-ray energies).
Technology trade-offs are also being made. For instance, energy range vs energy resolution, angular resolution vs field of view, all due to constraints of the detector technology chosen; lower upper energy bound and lower angular resolution would be less demanding on the detector system, but would have scientific implications. This is another area that the project needs guidance.
The committee is presently consisted of:
Didier Barret |
Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP, France) |
Claude Canizares |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA) |
Jan-Willem den Herder |
SRON Netherlands Inst for Space Research (SRON, Netherlands) |
Zhanwen Han |
Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, CAS (YNAO, China) |
Yipeng Jing |
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU, China) |
Tipei Li |
Tsinghua University (THU, China) |
Chris McKee |
University of California, Berkeley (UC-Berkely, USA) |
Kazuhisa Mitsuda |
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS, Japan) |
Jeremiah Ostriker |
Columbia University (CU, USA) |
Giovanni Pareschi |
Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (INAF-OAB, Italy) |
Luigi Piro |
Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (INAF-IAPS, Italy) |
Xiangping Wu |
National Astronomical Observatory of China, CAS (NAOC, China) |
Yuan Zhou |
Technical Institution of Physics and Chemistry, CAS (IPC, China) |